Atomic Development

Early Greek Theories
John Dalton
Millikan, Rutherford, Bohr
Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Chadwick
Works Cited

  Timeline of the Atomic Development 

This website will teach you how the theory of the atom has changed throughout the years. Browsing through this website will show all of the below scientists who helped further the discovery of the atom,

-Democritus                                 -Ernest Rutherford
-Aristotle                                     - Niels Bohr
Dalton                                         -Erwin Schrodinger
-J.J. Thomson                              -Werner Heisenberg
-Robert MIllikan                           - James Chadwick




   If you have any questions about this website you can contact either Stacey, Brittany, or Carleigh!!


Chemistry-Period 1!