Atomic Development

Early Greek Theories
John Dalton
Millikan, Rutherford, Bohr
Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Chadwick
Works Cited

John Dalton

1800- An Atomic Model proposed based on experiments, not just reason.
During his study of meteorology, he came to conclusion that evaporated water exists in the air as an independent gas. He wondered how the two could occupy space at the same time, so he conducted experiments with different gas mixtures to see the effect on properties of the mixture with the properties of the individual gases. While explaining the results, Dalton created the hypothesis, sizes of the particles making up different gases must be different.

Dalton's "Billard Ball" model- Atoms are solid and indivisible

-All matter is made up of atoms.
-Every element has different atoms.
-Atoms of different elements combine in consistent ratios to form compounds
-Atoms rearrange in reactions
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Chemistry-Period 1!