Atomic Development

Early Greek Theories
John Dalton
Millikan, Rutherford, Bohr
Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Chadwick
Works Cited

Early Greek Theories

The Greek Atomic Theory was not based on experiments, observations, or tests, but used mathematics and reason

Democritus & Aristotle

-400 B.C. Democritus believed all matter was composed of infinite indivisble, inner particles that were clinging together in different ways to form objects while constantly moving. The Greek word for indivisble is "atomos" which gave birth to the word "atom".
350 B.C.- Aristotle modified Democritus's concept, believing that matter was made of four "elements"; fire, water, earth, and air and that the atoms were not different sizes and weren't in motion.
What's up & what's happening during this time??
Rome & Italy are at war with the Latins!
The city walls of Rome are built!

Chemistry-Period 1!